Cycling Spots around Stockholm (City Cycling)


Travelling in Stockholm centre is best done with a bike. So many nice places are easily reached with your two wheel friend. Here are some classic spots and “must sees”:

Vasa Museum >
Skansen open-air Museum >
The Royal Palaces >
The Abba Museum >

More spots in Stockholm

Planning your cycling trip

2. Choosing when to book:

Stockholm in Summer

Summer is the best time of the year for travelling to Stockholm. Beautiful long bright evenings and mornings. Best months are July and August when the water is warmer. Bring wind jacket and arm warmers. With some luck, you bring them home without using them. The Midnight Sun is towards the end of June (you have to go more north for the real thing).

Best website for weather reports?

Summer Road Conditions

July is the best time for traffic. Most local people are on vacation and the August crowds of walking people in the centre has not yet turned up.

Best website for road reports?

Travelling in Summer

Prices tend to rise a little in August. But Stockholm and Sweden are still very good if you come here with € or USD. The Swedish crown is low.

Best local airport?

3. Get the best routes:

Your local expert is ready to create the best cycling routes to suit your ability. This valuable local knowledge will ensure you get the most out of your cycling holiday.



Ultimate experience | Scandinavia Sweden

Custom Routes in GPX format
Personalised Digital Roadbook
Live daily road/weather updates
WhatsApp support

Launching soon



Basic routes | Scandinavia Sweden

Custom Routes in GPX format
Personalised Digital Roadbook
Live daily road/weather updates
WhatsApp support

Launching soon

More spots for cyclists

Around Stockholm (City Cycling)
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CyclingSpots proudly supports local businesses promoting cycling tourism in Stockholm.